Flight Report

Flight GTI3601 (1A)

Submitted by Donnie Sigrist

  • Departure Airport

    Portland International Airport (KPDX)

  • Arrival Airport

    Chicago Rockford International Airport (KRFD)

  • Aircraft

    737-83N(BCF)(WL) (N5147A)

  • Flight Time


  • Landing Rate


  • Date Submitted


  • Route


  • Status

Route Map


2025-01-02T19:50:25.916Z - Using Microsoft Flight Simulator
2025-01-02T19:50:25.916Z - Flying PMDG 777F Atlas Air (N703GT | 2024)
2025-01-02T19:50:25.917Z - Now boarding
2025-01-02T19:50:25.917Z - COM1: 119.800, COM2: 118.000, NAV1: 110.50, NAV2: 110.60, Transponder: 1234
2025-01-02T19:51:03.360Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 116.60
2025-01-02T19:57:42.777Z - Transponder code set to 4234
2025-01-02T20:06:22.352Z - Pushing back with 68857 lbs of fuel
2025-01-02T20:10:17.860Z - Engine 1 On
2025-01-02T20:11:31.147Z - Engine 2 On
2025-01-02T20:11:59.823Z - Flaps set to 33%
2025-01-02T20:12:03.416Z - Flaps set to 17%
2025-01-02T20:12:05.976Z - Flaps set to 17%
2025-01-02T20:12:07.515Z - Flaps set to 17%
2025-01-02T20:12:09.552Z - Flaps set to 17%
2025-01-02T20:12:10.577Z - Flaps set to 33%
2025-01-02T20:12:11.584Z - Flaps set to 17%
2025-01-02T20:12:12.610Z - Flaps set to 50%
2025-01-02T20:12:13.640Z - Flaps set to 17%
2025-01-02T20:12:16.197Z - Flaps set to 33%
2025-01-02T20:12:17.727Z - Flaps set to 17%
2025-01-02T20:12:24.906Z - Flaps set to 33%
2025-01-02T20:16:27.048Z - Taxiing out
2025-01-02T20:24:55.401Z - Taking off
2025-01-02T20:25:24.583Z - Climbing at 179 kts, 8 degrees pitch, 1 degrees bank
2025-01-02T20:25:29.190Z - Gear lever raised
2025-01-02T20:26:01.487Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 116.50
2025-01-02T20:26:07.134Z - Flaps set to 17%
2025-01-02T20:26:14.922Z - Flaps set to 17%
2025-01-02T20:26:16.467Z - Flaps set to 17%
2025-01-02T20:26:37.989Z - Flaps set to 0%
2025-01-02T20:27:02.063Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 116.60
2025-01-02T20:28:25.805Z - Bank exceeded 30 degrees
2025-01-02T20:28:29.880Z - Bank exceeded 30 degrees
2025-01-02T20:31:10.168Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 114.70
2025-01-02T20:41:49.319Z - Cruising at 35000 ft
2025-01-02T20:45:43.321Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 113.50
2025-01-02T21:16:46.040Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 117.30
2025-01-02T21:51:19.204Z - Climbing at 278 kts, 5 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank
2025-01-02T21:55:11.845Z - Cruising at 37000 ft
2025-01-02T21:57:46.406Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 112.30
2025-01-02T22:11:47.078Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 113.90
2025-01-02T22:28:36.334Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 114.10
2025-01-02T22:55:15.422Z - Paused
2025-01-02T22:56:15.536Z - Unpaused
2025-01-02T22:56:27.344Z - Descending with 131 nm to go
2025-01-02T23:11:33.518Z - Approach started at 8842 ft AGL with 27 nm to go
2025-01-02T23:12:22.771Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 108.60
2025-01-02T23:20:29.919Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 114.30
2025-01-02T23:20:46.332Z - Flaps set to 17%
2025-01-02T23:20:54.541Z - Flaps set to 17%
2025-01-02T23:22:39.663Z - Flaps set to 33%
2025-01-02T23:22:48.889Z - Flaps set to 50%
2025-01-02T23:23:15.578Z - Flaps set to 67%
2025-01-02T23:23:20.192Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 114.10
2025-01-02T23:23:20.705Z - Flaps set to 67%
2025-01-02T23:23:30.956Z - Gear lever lowered
2025-01-02T23:24:38.219Z - Flaps set to 100%
2025-01-02T23:24:50.019Z - Flaps set to 83%
2025-01-02T23:24:56.667Z - Flaps set to 100%
2025-01-02T23:25:07.950Z - On final at 1806 ft with 4 nm to go at 168 kts, 1 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank
2025-01-02T23:27:07.936Z - Touched down at -191 fpm, 1.3g, 113 kts, 6 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank
2025-01-02T23:27:07.936Z - Landed on time with a fuel burn on target
2025-01-02T23:27:40.848Z - Taxiing to gate, landed in 2831 ft
2025-01-02T23:28:12.107Z - Flaps set to 83%
2025-01-02T23:28:18.777Z - Flaps set to 67%
2025-01-02T23:28:30.075Z - Flaps set to 50%
2025-01-02T23:28:35.714Z - Flaps set to 33%
2025-01-02T23:28:44.954Z - Flaps set to 17%
2025-01-02T23:28:56.751Z - Flaps set to 0%
2025-01-02T23:31:37.916Z - Engine 1 Off
2025-01-02T23:31:38.947Z - Engine 2 Off